
at St. John’s Junior School 

Medicines (including creams and ointments) brought into school must be handed directly to the school office to be kept in a safe place. All medicines must be fully labelled with the child’s name, dosage and date. Parents will be required to complete a consent form giving all relevant information before any medication can be administered by staff.. 

Inhalers needed by children suffering from asthma are kept in the child’s classroom, clearly marked with the child’s name.

If your child is ill

If a child becomes unwell in school, parents will be contacted by telephone so that he/she can be collected. Please supply school with emergency telephone numbers of friends/family members who could be contacted if you are unavailable.

 Medical Appointments

Parents must inform the school in advance of any appointments. Children who have dental or medical appointments in school should be collected by a parent/guardian.

 Medical Information

It is most important that teaching staff know any special medical factors that affect your child such as asthma, eczema, allergies, glasses etc.