What People Say About Us

What People Say About
St. John’s Junior School

"Mutual respect and strong relationships are characteristics of this happy, hard-working school. A real sense of teamwork permeates St John’s Junior School." Ofsted, 2018.

"Delightful, friendly and well-behaved pupils are a credit to the school and their families. Pupils feel safe and enjoy coming to school." Ofsted, 2018.

"Pupils are polite and well mannered. They go out of their way to make visitors to the school feel welcome. The school has a warm and caring atmosphere." Ofsted, 2018.

"This school is well led and managed. The headteacher strives to ensure that all pupils achieve to the best of their ability." Oftsed, 2018.

“Pupils are extremely polite and well mannered  to each other and to adults. The behaviour of pupils and their attitudes to learning are good.” Ofsted, July 2014.

“Pupils make good progress through Key Stage 2 and reach above average standards in Reading, Writing and mathematics by the time they leave Year 6.” Ofsted, 2014.

 “This is a very inclusive school where every pupil is equally valued and cared for well.” Ofsted, July 2014. 

“There’s always something fun going on!” Pupil, 2014.

“School leaders and the governing body know the school well and are clearly focused on the continued improvement of teaching and raising pupils’ achievement.” Ofsted, 2014.

 “The curriculum provides pupils with an interesting range of subjects that ensures that they enjoy school.” Ofsted, 2014. 

“Achievements and standards in Religious Education at St John’s Catholic Junior are outstanding overall. In an environment where they feel safe and secure, the pupils take advantage of the rich variety of learning activities and excellent pastoral care. This ensures that all learners feel valued and respected.” RE Inspection, 2013

“Spiritual and moral development is outstanding and relationships at all levels are excellent.  Pupils are well-motivated and eager to learn. Their behaviour throughout the inspection was exemplary.” RE Inspection, 2013.

“Pupils’ contribution to, and benefit from, the Catholic life of the school is outstanding. They participate in a wide range of activities and events. Artwork of a high calibre, by St John’s pupils, is used in school and in the Parish church to enhance community prayer and worship. Pupils are confident planning their own liturgies, reading at Mass and singing.” RE Inspection, 2013.